Gastric Balloon (Non Surgical)

There is another option for you to lose weight if you’re not prepared to undergo bariatric surgery: the Gastric Balloon in Turkey.

The Intragastric Balloon, or gastric balloon, is inflated in the stomach to make the patient feel full and create restrictions similar to what you would find in the gastric sleeve and gastric banding.

There are several leading intragastric balloons, including Orbera, Spatz, and ReShape Duo. Currently, Istanbul Weight Loss Surgery offers the two leading gastric balloons: Orbera and the Spatz.

How Does the Gastric Balloon Work?

The procedure takes no more than 30 minutes and can be in place for three to six months. The Intragastric Balloon, or the Gastric Balloon, is a non-surgical procedure. The process begins by inserting a deflated soft, silicone balloon through the mouth and placing it inside the stomach.

The balloon is then inflated with air or liquid to a volume of about 500ml, thus reducing a patient’s stomach capacity. This restrictive technique, which provides a smaller stomach capacity, allows patients to feel fuller faster and helps reduce their caloric intake.

The Gastric Balloon is:

  • Non-surgical: The balloon is inserted orally into your stomach in a fast and efficient manner.
  • Non-invasive: This procedure requires such mild work that many can go home the same day.
  • Temporary: The balloon only remains within the stomach for six months before removal.

Why choose the Gastric Balloon?


An intragastric balloon is a great option because of its lower BMI requirement. With weight loss surgeries, many surgeons require patients to have minimum body mass indexes (BMIs) of 35 or even 40. With the gastric balloon, patients can undergo the procedure with a BMI of only 27, allowing more patients to be suitable for this procedure.

Sometimes bariatric surgeons require candidates with high BMIs to lose weight to reduce any potential complications while undergoing a bariatric procedure. Patients who need to lose a significant amount of weight can jump-start this process with the intragastric balloon procedure. They can then remove the balloon and proceed with a more aggressive procedure when the physician is satisfied with the weight loss.

Weight-Loss Results of the Gastric Balloon

Studies found that in six months, patients can lose 35% of their excess weight. This compares nicely with the expected 50% with gastric banding and 65% with gastric bypass.

Orbera Gastric Balloon Results

  • 6 Month (At Time of Removal): Total Body Weight Lost: 12% Median, with a 9.3% to 21% Range.
  • 12 Months (6 Months After Removal): Excess Body Weight Lost: Ranged from 11% to 51% Lost.
  • 36 Months (30 Months After Removal): About 6% Lost of Total Body Weight.

ReShape Duo Balloon Results

  • 6 Month (At Time of Removal): Percentage of Excess Weight Loss: 31.8% Mean.

Spatz IntraGastric Balloon Results

  • 12 Month (At Time of Removal): Percentage of Excess Weight Loss: 46% Mean.


  • No Cutting, Stapling, Stomach Removal, or Major Surgery
  • Removable
  • Limited Risks and Side Effects


The gastric balloon procedure often produces cramping, nausea, vomiting, and discomfort immediately following placement. There is a slight risk of balloon deflation while inside the stomach, which can lead to obstruction.

  • May cause discomfort
  • Diet and exercise regimen required to be truly effective
  • Risk of rupture, especially if the balloon stays longer in the stomach.
  • Bowel obstruction due to migration of an IGB

Cost of Gastric Balloon in Turkey

At Istanbul Weight Loss Surgery, you will receive the best care at our certified medical facilities at the best price.

  • Turkey: 2.000$-2500$
  • United States: $7,000 – $12,700
  • Canada: $11,000
  • Thailand: $4,700
  • India: $4,450


Contact Istanbul Weight Loss Surgery for More Information

IstanbulWeight Loss Surgery only works with the top-qualified surgeons and staff to help you start your weight loss journey properly. We have over a decade of experience in medical tourism.

Contact IstanbulWeight Loss Surgery for affordable bariatric surgery in Istanbul, Turkey, today.


What is Gastric Balloon?

It is an inflatable medical device that is temporarily placed in the stomach. It is one of the non-surgical methods used in the treatment of obesity. Gastric balloon is one of the operations frequently used in the treatment of obesity. Obesity is a condition that causes serious health problems, especially in recent years. However, alternative treatment of obesity is carried out in different ways today. However, it is not an operation in the full sense.

With the endoscopy method, a balloon is inserted into the stomach and inflated there. Therefore, creating a constant feeling of satiety in the stomach causes weakening in the patient.


How many kilos can be lost in 1 month with a gastric balloon?

In the last few years, the use of non-surgical techniques in bariatric surgery has increased. Gastric balloon technique, which is among the methods, has started to be preferred for our patients who are faced with the problem of obesity.

We observe that our patients with gastric balloon application in the method that does not require surgery lose 20 to 25 kilos on average.


When is the Gastric Balloon removed?

It is one of the effective methods used in the treatment of obesity. In the non-permanent method, the balloon should be removed an average of 6 months to 1 year after it is placed in the stomach. Because silicone causes deterioration, it is a serious problem to remove it from the stomach after its time has passed. After the balloon is removed, some patients regain their weight quickly because they do not pay attention to th • How is the Gastric Balloon applied?


How long does the procedure take?

Patients who cannot see the desired result from many slimming methods are introduced to the gastric balloon, a slimming method that can be done without surgical risk. The balloon, which is made of a silicone material, is placed into the stomach by operation. In this way, it creates a feeling of fullness and satiety in the stomach. The technique is performed by endoscopic application. The duration of the procedure varies from about 15 to 30 minutes; The balloon is applied to the patient under mild drowsiness or under general anesthesia.

eir diet.


What should be considered after the gastric balloon procedure?

After the operation, the patient should be fed with liquid foods for the first few days, and then the bites should become smaller.

Salt, spices and bakery products are among the foods that should be avoided throughout life.

The patient should remove the habit of eating between 4 and 6 meals instead of 3 meals and should not consume sugary foods such as coffee, sweets, chocolate and cold foods such as ice cream.

After 4 days, solid foods can be passed slowly and the patient is recommended to chew the food very well.


What should be the eating habits after the Gastric Balloon Application?

In the first month, light foods should be consumed continuously, and food techniques and habits should be changed.

Meals should definitely be consumed very slowly and heavily.

Get in the habit of leaving the fork and spoon on the plate for a while between each bite.

No liquid should be taken during meals, but at least 10 glasses of water should be drunk daily.

An average of 1 hour should be waited to get fluids after meals.

Coffee, hot chocolate, carbonated drinks are among the products to be avoided.

Dessert should never be eaten, instead fresh seasonal fruits should be eaten.

Delicatessen products and mayonnaise should not be consumed.

Whole milk and dairy products should be consumed without fat

Vinegar or soy sauce should not be used in salads.

Sauces containing salt, oil, olive oil and mayonnaise should never be used in food.

Grain and fiber breads should be preferred.

The stomach should not be strained when vomiting occurs.

If vomiting and nausea continue, at least three meals of watery food should be consumed.

Never eat anything between meals.

Junk food should be avoided


Gastric Balloon User Reviews

It is generally preferred because it does not involve any risk. At the same time, looking at the patients who have had a stomach implant and the internet comments about it, it gives very positive results in patients who lose weight that they could not lose before and develop a diet and nutrition habit.

He understands that he has made the right decision if there is no harm in the doctor’s implantation.

Because overweight people not only cause physical distress, but also bring serious health problems.

Diabetes risk, COPD risk, especially in patients with upper respiratory tract infection poses a much higher risk.

Losing excess weight also means regaining your health. It is one of the preferred applications in terms of not being an operation, being extremely healthy and not posing a risk.


How is the Gastric Balloon Inserted?

The process of placing the balloon in the stomach has the flexibility to pass through the esophagus, which is 08-12 millimeters, by entering the stomach with the help of a light camera called endoscopy. During the application, the patient is given light sedation and the procedure is performed.

The patient does not feel any pain or pain during this period. He does not even remember the actions taken. If the doctor does not observe any discomfort in the stomach that may cause any inconvenience, the endoscopy is removed and the balloon is placed in the stomach. Approximately the mussel placement process of the balloon is carried out in a short time like 10-15 minutes.


How to lose weight with gastric balloon?

Gastric balloon is not a weight loss drug or a tool that accelerates energy burning. This device reduces the nutrient storage capacity of the stomach, preventing the person from consuming too much food. Since the person does not have any incisions or similar needs in his stomach, it is possible for the person to return to his normal life in a short time, and in this way, he can immediately reach the calorie burning level required by his daily life. However, gastric balloon is a form of operation with less exercise restriction, unlike other weight loss surgeries. In this way, since it is possible for the person to do certain sports, the weight loss process can be accelerated depending on the situation.


However, it is very difficult to talk about a spontaneous weakening process after the gastric balloon procedure. Although the amount of food that a person will consume at one time decreases, if the total daily calorie intake is not reduced and the types of food consumed are not suitable for the diet to be applied by the physician, the result may be lower than expected.


It is obligatory for the person to complete daily exercises after the procedure and to consume appropriate foods at appropriate meals. Only in this way, it will be possible to achieve success in this operation, as in all bariatric surgery operations. In addition, regular doctor and dietitian visits are necessary for the process to continue smoothly.




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